Saturday, June 30, 2012

Announcement :)

London had her puppies...TODAY!! So far she has had, FIVE boys and ONE girl :) Pictures to come soon!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Suzie's Puppies

The puppies are all doing so well:) We have really enjoyed watching their cute personalities begin to form. They love to play outside and are getting really good at going potty on their potty grass when inside:)

Friday, June 15, 2012


Green boy is resting his head on Orange girl and Pink girl is next to them :)

Here we have going from left to right: Yellow girl, Blue boy, and Pink girl

Suzie's puppies:)

UPDATE: All of the puppies have opened their eyes:)

We weighed the puppies today and heir weights are:
Blue boy: 3lbs. 1 oz.
Black boy: 2lbs. 14 oz.
Green boy: 2 lbs. ( The smallest puppy)

Pink girl: 3 lbs.
Orange girl: 3lbs. 4 oz. ( The biggest puppy)
Yellow girl: 2lbs. 6 oz.
**We will post pictures later so stay tuned :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Puppy Update

We weighed and put collars on the puppies today:) Their weights are as followed:
Blue boy: 1 lb. 05oz.
Black boy: 1 lb. 04oz.
Green boy: 1 lb.
Pink girl: 1 lb. 04 oz.
Orange girl: 1lb. 08oz.
Yellow girl: 1 lb. 01oz.

Look at their tiny paws:)

Suzie trying to squeeze in a little nap while her puppies eat

Suzie and her puppies:)

Suzie went into labor at midnight on the 30th of May. Quick story: She usually sleeps next to Carl (In the bed) but for the 2 weeks prior, could not get into the high bed (because she was so pregnant) so she slept next to Carl on the floor. On this particularly night, my parents were woken up with a big “THUD”. Suzie had FINALLY made it on the High bed to wake Carl up, to let him know that she was having “her puppies”. We thought that this was so cute!
No back to the puppiesJ Suzie gave birth to six puppies; three girls and three boys. At the moment, she is feeding all of her puppies so we will take pictures soon and upload them laterJ So, check back soon!!