Sunday, August 19, 2012

Deja's litter:)

We weighed and dewormed the puppies this week and oh, they are so stinking cute:) I have a few pictures to post but let me just say that they are not the best. The cute little puppies are way more active now, and do not like to hold still for too long, or even long enough to snap a picture:)

Green collar boy

Green collar boy licking his lips after he finished drinking water:)

Black collar boy

Here Black collar boy is leaping:)
Pink collar girl

Red collar boy

Red collar boy..sorry it's kinda blurry!!

Blue collar boy

Yellow collar girl playing by the tree:)


  1. Love the pics katie. Thanks. Cant wait to get green collar boy.

  2. Pink girl is so adorable! Counting down the days! Thanks for keeping us updated!
