Sunday, May 20, 2012


We are planning on being at the American Fork D.I. at 10A.M. on Saturday May 26, 2012. We like to for you to meet us here to pick of your puppies!! Please get a hold of us if this does not work for you:)
Keep in mind that we will also be giving you a mini puppy packet which will inclue:
Puppy blanket that will smell like mom and planket
2 chew toys
1 puppy toy
a 4lb. bag of Purina Puppy Chow dog food to start you off with what we have been feeding them
2 gallons o f Fillmore water to help make the transition a little bit easier.

We look forward to meeting with you this weekend and are excited for you to start this "new" chapter in your lives with these supper cute puppies!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

News update

Red collar boy learned how to go down stairs this week. All of the puppies are enjoying being outside. They have been on wagon rides, been pushed in the stroller, and they have even been on the swings:) First pick family is coming on Monday and second pick family is coming on Tuesday to pick their puppies. If third pick family is reading this blod, could you please call us. Julia (435) 864-7590.

White collar puppy:)

If you look closely you will notice that this cute little puppy has sand circling his nose:) He was playing in the sand box with the kids right before I took this picture:)

Pink collar puppy:)

The lighter color puppy on the left is pink collar girl:)

Orange collar puppy:)

Blue collar puppy:)

Red collar puppy:)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Just one more picture:)

Here is just one more picture for this week. It is of Macie, her pups, and my grandkids:)


This week we weighed all the puppies and de-wormed them:) There weights are as followed:
Pink collar girl: 4.4 lbs (up from 13.6oz. at birth
Blue collar boy: 5 lbs( up from 12.75oz. at birth)
White collar boy: 3.6 lbs ( up from 9.375 oz. at birth)
Orange collar boy: 4.4 lbs (up from 14oz. at birth)
Red collar boy: 5.4 lbs ( up from 14.25oz. at birth)
The family who have first choice are coming to choose their puppy on Monday, May 14th :)
The family who have second choice are planning on coming to choose their puppy on Sunday May 20th :)
Pick three has voiced that he would like white collar boy if he is still available when it is his turn to pick :)
Pick four was down here this week and loves all of them :)
Pick Five is wanting to take home a wavy/curly puppy :)
As of right now, all the puppies are starting to get wavy ears. Their personalities are very much alike. They are all alot more playful than they were a week ago. They enjoy being carted around by my grandkids:)
Stay tuned for next weeks post!!
