Sunday, May 6, 2012


This week we weighed all the puppies and de-wormed them:) There weights are as followed:
Pink collar girl: 4.4 lbs (up from 13.6oz. at birth
Blue collar boy: 5 lbs( up from 12.75oz. at birth)
White collar boy: 3.6 lbs ( up from 9.375 oz. at birth)
Orange collar boy: 4.4 lbs (up from 14oz. at birth)
Red collar boy: 5.4 lbs ( up from 14.25oz. at birth)
The family who have first choice are coming to choose their puppy on Monday, May 14th :)
The family who have second choice are planning on coming to choose their puppy on Sunday May 20th :)
Pick three has voiced that he would like white collar boy if he is still available when it is his turn to pick :)
Pick four was down here this week and loves all of them :)
Pick Five is wanting to take home a wavy/curly puppy :)
As of right now, all the puppies are starting to get wavy ears. Their personalities are very much alike. They are all alot more playful than they were a week ago. They enjoy being carted around by my grandkids:)
Stay tuned for next weeks post!!

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